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Mahayana Buddhist Sutras

Learn to Chant Mahayana Buddhist Sutras

Chương 3: Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra

bō般 ruò若 bō波 luó罗 mì蜜 duō多 xīn心 jīng经 

guān观 zì自 zài在 pú菩 sà萨  。 xíng行 shēn深 bō般 ruò若 bō波 luó罗 mì蜜 duō多 shí时  。 zhào照 jiàn见 wǔ五 yùn蕴 jiē皆 kōng空  。 dù度 yī一 qiè切 kǔ苦 è厄  。 shě舍 lì利 zǐ子  。 sè色 bù不 yì异 kōng空  。 kōng空 bù不 yì异 sè色  。 sè色 jì即 shì是 kōng空  。 kōng空 jì即 shì是 sè色  。 shòu受 xiǎng想 xíng行 shí识  。 yì亦 fù复 rú如 shì是  。 shě舍 lì利 zǐ子  。 shì是 zhù诸 fǎ法 kōng空 xiàng相  。 bù不 shēng生 bù不 miè灭  。 bù不 gòu垢 bù不 jìng净  。 bù不 zēng增 bù不 jiǎn减  。 shì是 gù故 kōng空 zhōng中 wú无 sè色  。 wú无 shòu受 xiǎng想 xíng行 shí识  。 wú无 yǎn眼 ěr耳 bí鼻 shé舌 shēn身 yì意  。 wú无 sè色 shēng声 xiāng香 wèi味 chù触 fǎ法  。 wú无 yǎn眼 jiè界  。 nǎi乃 zhì至 wú无 yì意 shí识 jiè界  。 wú无 wú无 míng明  。 yì亦 wú无 wú无 míng明 jìn尽  。 nǎi乃 zhì至 wú无 lǎo老 sǐ死  。 yì亦 wú无 lǎo老 sǐ死 jìn尽  。 wú无 kǔ苦 jí集 miè灭 dào道  。 wú无 zhì智 yì亦 wú无 dé得  。 yǐ以 wú无 suǒ所 dé得 gù故  。 pú菩 tí提 sà萨 duō埵  。 yī依 bō般 ruò若 bō波 luó罗 mì蜜 duō多 gù故  。 xīn心 wú无 guà罣 ài碍  。 wú无 guà罣 ài碍 gù故  。 wú无 yǒu有 kǒng恐 bù怖  。 yuǎn远 lí离 diān颠 dǎo倒 mèng梦 xiǎng想  。 jiū究 jìng竟 niè涅 pán槃  。 sān三 shì世 zhū诸 fó佛  。 yī依 bō般 ruò若 bō波 luó罗 mì蜜 duō多 gù故  。 dé得 ā阿 nòu耨 duō多 luó罗 sān三 miǎo藐 sān三 pú菩 tí提  。 gù故 zhī知 bō般 ruò若 bō波 luó罗 mì蜜 duō多  。 shì是 dà大 shén神 zhòu咒  。 shì是 dà大 míng明 zhòu咒  。 shì是 wú无 shàng上 zhòu咒  。 shì是 wú无 děng等 děng等 zhòu咒  。 néng能 chú除 yí一 qiè切 kǔ苦  。 zhēn真 shí实 bù不 xū虚  。 gù故 shuō说 bō般 ruò若 bō波 luó罗 mì蜜 duō多 zhòu咒  。 jì即 shuō说 zhòu咒 yuē曰  。 jiē揭 dì谛 jiē揭 dì谛  。 bō波 luó罗 jiē揭 dì谛  。 bō波 luó罗 sēng僧 jiē揭 dì谛  。 pú菩 tí提 sà萨 pó婆 hē诃  。 

mó摩 hē诃 bō般 ruò若 bō波 luó罗 mì蜜 duō多  。  (三称)

Recitation of Po Jo Po Lo Mi To Hsin Ching, Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra in Sanskrit, or the Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching) in short, is for establishing connections with Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and to obtain wisdom through the mercy and compassion of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. This sutra takes the form of energy in the Asura realm and the Deva realm (known as “Heaven” in English), currency in the underworld, and wisdom in the human realm. Some of its great powers include: disciplining misbehaved children; influencing adults to have a religious belief e.g. Buddhism; communicating with elders who are stubborn; calming emotions; granting wisdom; and alleviating depression. It can also be used for performing the transferring of merits to the deceased.
For Daily Recitation
Generally 3 or 7 times per day until the end of life. The Heart Sutra can be recited until 10PM during good weather. If it is cloudy or rainy, it is best if you can recite it during day time. You should avoid reciting the Heart Sutra after 10PM, or during extreme weather, including heavy rain, thunderstorm, and lightning.
Before reciting this sutra, you can say your prayer or wish as follows, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, grant me wisdom, a pure mind, calmness; and help me to be free from afflictions (maintain focus while performing recitations).”
般若波羅蜜多心經 心經 般若波罗蜜多心经 心经 Xin Jing Bo Ruo Bo Luo Mi Duo Xin Jing Po Jo Po Lo Mi To Hsin Ching Hsin Ching Heart Sutra Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra

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