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Mahayana Buddhist Sutras

Learn to Chant Mahayana Buddhist Sutras

Chương 10: Cintamani Cakravartin Dharani


Cintamani Cakravartin Dharani

rú如 yì意 bǎo宝 lún轮 wáng王 tuó陀 luó罗 ní尼 

ná南 mó无 fó佛 tuó驮 yē耶  。 ná南 mó无 dá达 mó摩 yē耶  。 ná南 mó无 sēng僧 qié伽 yē耶  。 ná南 mó无 guān观 zì自 zài在 pú菩 sà萨 mó摩 hē诃 sà萨  。 jù具 dà大 bēi悲 xīn心 zhě者  。 dá怛 zhì姪 tuō他  。 ān唵  。 zhuó斫 jié羯 là啰 fá伐 dǐ底  。 zhèn震 duō多 mò末 ní尼  。 mó摩 hē诃  。 bō钵 dēng蹬 mí谜  。 lū噜 lū噜 lū噜 lū噜  。 dǐ底 sè瑟 zhā吒  。 shuò篅 là啰 ā阿 jié羯 lì利  。 shā沙 yè夜 hòng吽  。 pō癹 shā莎 hē诃  。 ān唵  。 bō钵 tà蹋 mó摩  。 zhèn震 duō多 mò末 ní尼  。 shuō篅 lā攞 hòng吽  。 ān唵 bá跋 là喇 tuó陀  。 bō钵 tán亶 mí谜 hòng吽  。


Recitation of Ju Yi Pao Lun Wang To Lo Ni, or Cintamani Cakravartin Dharani in Sanskrit, can help you to receive the blessing of the Buddha’s light; to obtain the wisdom and powers of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; and to understand the subtle concepts and methods of Buddhism. It can also help you to transform your afflictions into Bodhi wisdom; to have success in every aspect; and to obtain safety and auspiciousness. Recitation of this mantra is mainly asking for success for a specific issue. For example, asking for success in career.
Recite as needed
Generally 21, 27 or 49 times per day; can be recited day or night.
Before reciting this mantra, you can say your prayer or wish as follows, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, help me to have success for <specific issue>.”
如意寶輪王陀羅尼 如意宝轮王陀罗尼 Ru Yi Bao Lun Wang Tuo Luo Ni Ju Yi Pao Lun Wang To Lo Ni Cintamani Cakravartin Dharani

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