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Mahayana Buddhist Sutras

Learn to Chant Mahayana Buddhist Sutras

Chương 5: Cundi Dharani

Cundi Dharani

zhǔn准 tí提 shén神 zhòu咒 

qí稽 shǒu首 guī皈 yī依 sū苏 xī悉 dì帝  。 tóu头 miàn面 dǐng顶 lǐ礼 qī七 jù俱 zhī胝  。 wǒ我 jīn今 chēng称 zàn赞 dà大 zhǔn准 tí提  。 wéi唯 yuàn愿 cí慈 bēi悲 chuí垂 jiā加 hù护  。 ná南 mó无 sà飒 duō哆 nán喃  。 sān三 miǎo藐 sān三 pú菩 tuó陀  。 jù俱 zhī胝 nán喃  。 dá怛 zhì姪 tuō他  。 ān唵  。 zhé折 lì戾 zhǔ主 lì戾  。 zhǔn准 tí提 suō娑 pó婆 hē诃  。 


Recitation of Chun Ti Shen Chou, or the Cundi Dharani in Sanskrit, is for sincerely asking assistance from Guan Yin Bodhisattva to fulfil wishes. Some of its great powers include: success in career development; harmony in marriage and relationships; and academic achievements. It is particularly helpful for young adults for finding a suitable job and partner in life. However, the wishes you make must be reasonable and legitimate.
For Daily Recitation
Generally 21, 27 or 49 times per day; can be recited day or night.
Before reciting this mantra, you can say your prayer or wish as follows, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, grant me good fortune and success in career (or any other reasonable wish you may have).”
準提神咒 准提神咒 Zhun Ti Shen Zhou Chun Ti Shen Chou Cundi Dharani

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