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Mahayana Buddhist Sutras

Learn to Chant Mahayana Buddhist Sutras

Chương 9: Guna Ratna Sila Dharani


Guna Ratna Sila Dharani

gōng功 dé德 bǎo宝 shān山 shén神 zhòu咒 

ná南 mó无 fó佛 tuó驮 yē耶  。 ná南 mó无 dá达 mó摩 yē耶  。 ná南 mó无 sēng僧 qié伽 yē耶  。 ān唵  。 xī悉 dì帝 hù护 lū噜 lū噜  。 xī悉 dū都 lū噜  。 zhī只 lì利 bō波  。 jí吉 lì利 pó婆  。 xī悉 dá达 lī哩  。 bù布 lū噜 lī哩  。 suō娑 pó嚩 hē诃  。 


Recitation of Kung Te Pao Shan Shen Chou, or Guna Ratna Sila Dharani in Sanskrit, can help you to accumulate your positive karmas, merits and virtues, as well as eliminate your karmic obstacles due to negative karmas. Recitation of this mantra can help you to transform your good deeds and merits into virtues, as virtues can help to eliminate karmic obstacles. If during a certain period of time, you have performed many good deeds and collected much merits, and you would like to pray for a specific issue, then you can recite this mantra to help your wish to come true. For this mantra to be efficacious, the prerequisite is that this person has performed good deeds and accumulated merits as the foundation.
Recite as needed
Generally 21, 27 or 49 times per day; can be recited day or night.
Before reciting this mantra, you can say your prayer or wish as follows, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, help me to convert and transform my positive karmas from the past into virtues in the present, help me to have success for <specific issue>.”

In addition, you can recite this mantra for an unborn child or for a child under 5 years of age. Recitation of the Guna Ratna Sila Dharnani helps to convert and transform your child’s positive karmas and merits from previous lives into virtues in the present life. The virtues can be used to protect and bless this child and help this child to eliminate calamities, and obtain safety and good fortune.

Prayer (for your child)
Before reciting this mantra for your child, you can say your prayer or wish as follows, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless, <full name of your child>, help to convert and transform the child’s positive karmas from the past into virtues in the present, grant the child safety and good health.” For an unborn child, you can say your prayer or wish as follows, “May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless the child of <your full name>, help to convert and transform the child’s positive karmas from the past into virtues in the present, grant the child safety and good health.”
功德寶山神咒 功德宝山神咒 Gong De Bao Shan Shen Zhou Kung Te Pao Shan Shen Chou Guna Ratna Sila Dharani

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